Terms and Conditions for Internship Participants
1. Eligibility and Application
- Process The internship program is open to qualified candidates who meet the specified criteria.
- Interested individuals must submit their applications through the designated process.
- The application deadline and required documents will be communicated during the recruitment period.
2. Duration and Commitment
- Interns are expected to commit to the entire duration of the program.
- The minimum internship period is 6 months, and can be extended with the provisions of Biru Indonesia Creative
- Attendance, punctuality, and active participation are essential.
3. Roles and Responsibilities
- Interns will work on assigned projects and tasks under the guidance of mentors.
- Clear expectations regarding deliverables, deadlines, and quality standards will be communicated.
- Professional conduct, teamwork, and collaboration are expected.
4. Compensation and Benefits
- Interns may receive a stipend or other compensation as per the organization’s policy.
- Benefits such as access to company resources, networking opportunities, and skill development workshops may be provided.
5. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property
- Interns must maintain strict confidentiality regarding any sensitive information they come across during the internship.
- Any intellectual property created during the internship is the property of Biru Indonesia Creative and the interns (groups/individuals) involved.
6. Code of Conduct
- Interns are expected to adhere to the Biru's code of conduct.
- Respectful behavior, inclusivity, and professionalism are non-negotiable.
7. Termination
- Biru Indonesia Creative reserves the right to terminate an intern’s participation due to poor performance, violation of policies, or other valid reasons.
8. Feedback and Evaluation
- Regular feedback sessions will be conducted to assess progress.
- Interns will receive a formal evaluation at the end of the program.
9. Disclaimers
- The organization does not guarantee employment after the internship.
- Interns participate voluntarily and at their own risk.
Please note that these terms are subject to change, and interns should review the complete document before accepting the internship offer. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out.
Syarat dan Ketentuan Peserta Magang
1. Kelayakan dan Permohonan
- Proses Program magang terbuka bagi kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan.
- Individu yang tertarik harus menyerahkan aplikasi mereka melalui proses yang ditentukan.
- Batas waktu pendaftaran dan dokumen yang diperlukan akan dikomunikasikan selama periode perekrutan.
2. Durasi dan Komitmen
- Magang diharapkan berkomitmen untuk seluruh durasi program.
- Masa magang minimal 6 bulan, dan dapat diperpanjang dengan ketentuan Biru Indonesia Creative
- Kehadiran, ketepatan waktu, dan partisipasi aktif sangat penting.
3. Peran dan Tanggung Jawab
- Magang akan mengerjakan proyek dan tugas yang ditugaskan di bawah bimbingan mentor.
- Harapan yang jelas mengenai hasil, tenggat waktu, dan standar kualitas akan dikomunikasikan.
- Perilaku profesional, kerja tim, dan kolaborasi diharapkan.
4. Kompensasi dan keuntungan
- Magang dapat menerima gaji atau kompensasi lain sesuai kebijakan organisasi.
- Manfaat seperti akses terhadap sumber daya perusahaan, peluang jaringan, dan lokakarya pengembangan keterampilan dapat diberikan.
5. Kerahasiaan dan Kekayaan Intelektual
- Peserta magang harus menjaga kerahasiaan ketat mengenai informasi sensitif apa pun yang mereka temukan selama magang.
- Segala kekayaan intelektual yang tercipta selama magang adalah milik Biru Indonesia Creative dan peserta magang (kelompok/individu) yang terlibat.
6. Kode Etik
- Pemagang diharapkan mematuhi kode etik Biru Indoneia Creative.
- Perilaku hormat, inklusivitas, dan profesionalisme tidak dapat dinegosiasikan.
7. Penghentian
- Biru Indonesia Creative berhak menghentikan partisipasi peserta magang karena kinerja buruk, pelanggaran kebijakan, atau alasan sah lainnya.
8. Masukan dan Evaluasi
- Sesi masukan reguler akan dilakukan untuk menilai kemajuan.
- Magang akan menerima evaluasi formal di akhir program.
9. Penyangkalan
- Biru Indoneisa Creative tidak menjamin pekerjaan setelah magang.
- Peserta berpartisipasi secara sukarela dan atas risiko mereka sendiri.
Harap dicatat bahwa ketentuan ini dapat berubah, dan peserta magang harus meninjau dokumen lengkap sebelum menerima tawaran magang. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau memerlukan klarifikasi lebih lanjut, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami.
Malang, 30 Maret 2024